How to photograph your pet

It is very important to supply me with good quality photographs – and remember that, to a certain extent, the quality of your portrait will depend on the quality of the photographs you supply. Here are some tips when taking your photographs:

  The head should fill the frame and be the main focus of the image you take – capture the angles of your pet that you like.

  Make sure the photographs are taken at their level and are in-focus – this is important because it allows me to capture all the little details of the fur and facial features. 

  Good lighting is key! This could be indoors in a naturally lit room, or outside during an overcast day. 

Feel free to send me a selection of photographs – they will help me to capture all the details.


Gifts & Memorial Portraits: 

If the portrait is a gift or the pet has passed away, send through the photos you have available and I will be happy to discuss them with you.